Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Stock Up For Winter

Now is the time to start thinking about stocking up for winter. You can see all around you, animals forging for food to hide away for the dark months. Now is the time for us to take a look in the cupboards and ask what we might need if we happen to get sick this winter.

Stock up on the essentials now, that way if you do get sick, you won't have to venture out for anything. Remember, when you are sick you need to rest, and you should take time off from work and other activities so your body can heal.

What do I recommend you stock up on?
A high quality garlic supplement, Echinacea, high dose vitamin C supplements, a bottle or two of Nixgia Red ( a wolf berry infusion from Young Living), grape, apple or cranberry juice ( no orange juice please! It really is not good for you when you are sick, it's too acidic!) and a selection of Young Living Essential Oils.

Thieves blend, RC, Immunopower, peppermint, lemon and lavender are my first choices.
These oils kill germs, oxygenate the body, increase immune function, ease the discomfort of illness and strengthen the lungs and respiratory system.

Stock up on your favorite comfort foods as well, so when you start to feel better you can eat. Remember that sugar decreases immune system function- so it can make you sicker or delay your recovery.

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