Monday, January 27, 2014

When Searching for Health Information, Search Wisely

Build a DIY health library, and fill it with resources that are up to date.  I went to a prominent health web site run by a medical institution. I looked at the nutrition information. It was 20 years out of date. The site was recently updated but the material was stick in a time warp. Sometimes the sources you think might be the best are not. 

I can find better nutrition information in Laurel’s Kitchen, a 30 year old out of print natural foods cook book. 

When you are searching for information to take care of your health, search wisely. Always look at the source of the information carefully, and don’t discount information from someone who is “trying to sell you something”.   Food Matters is a great site for nutrition information, and yes, they are trying to sell you something. You don’t have to buy if you don’t want to.

 By the way, while we are on the subject of selling you something, I’m a chiropractor and I want to sell you on getting adjusted. It’s something you can’t DIY (please don’t try!)  Studies show that regular chiropractic patients  see MD’s less, spend less on Health care, and remain active and self sufficient longer than those who don’t get chiropractic adjustments.

  I also am a member of Young Living and I want to sell you on being one too.  Yes, I do make a small commission on any sale, however I want you to be a member because then you can get the most  pure essential oils  which are one of the best tools you can put in your health tool kit, and Yl makes the most pure therapeutic grade oils. I’m sure of it. They also spend a lot on research and development of oils,  testing and growing plants for oils, and compiling research which they share with the world.  That benefits not only us, but future generations of DIYers. For more information on Young Living, contact me, member # 28314.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

DIY Health -a note on tools. Yes, you need tools!

There are many reasons people choose DIY health care.  There is a growing mistrust of pharmaceuticals, and a re-awakening of knowledge of natural healing.  There’s also a growing interest in becoming more self sufficient in as many areas as possible.  For some people, it just comes down to cost. In many ways, DIY health care can save money. 

I’m all for it, however when it comes to health care cheapest is not always the best choice. Think of it this way, if you are going to maintain your car for many years, do you put the cheapest oil in it? Do you buy the cheapest tires? Do you skimp on the brake pads? Probably not. 

When it comes to DIY health, be sure the tools you use really are the best. Here’s an example: One of my friends tried “treating” her daughters ear infection with an essential oil purchased at a health food store. She didn’t know that the oil was a poor quality, she figured it said “natural” so it was fine. It was cheaper than the therapeutic grade essential oils I had recommended and she went with it.  Her daughter had an allergic reaction to the chemicals the” natural” oil was cut with, and ended up in the hospital.

If you are going to use supplements, herbs and essential oils to “treat” a condition, get the best. Make sure the quality and purity are guaranteed, and always look at the source. If it’s a bargain, there is probably a reason.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Do It Yourself Health Care

This is the first in a series of Health care tips for DIY ers. I hope you will share these tips with all your friends and family members who are becoming more self sufficient. It is my hope that this series will assist all you DIYers to take care of your health, and your loved one's health in a safe way.

The first DIY health tip I want to share with you is this:  Don’t hesitate to call a health care professional when you need help. Now, I know there may be a number of reasons you don’t want to call a doctor, and I agree that staying away from doctors as much as possible is a healthy idea.   However, you can’t “treat” a condition if you don’t know what it is.

Sometimes, a diagnosis from a heath care professional is exactly what you need to DIY. Consider this: A friend of mine self diagnosed a cyst. She “treated “ the problem naturally. It didn’t go away. She waited and waited and the cyst became larger. By the time she threw in the towel and consulted a doctor, the cancer had spread to her nose and eye lid. She’s undergoing reconstructive surgery to replace the tissue they had to remove.

Scary? You bet it is. If she had gotten a diagnosis before she self treated things would have turned out a lot different.  If you are self “treating”, and you are not getting the response you want, don’t wait more than two weeks to get a professional diagnosis. Remember, you don’t have to follow instructions given by a doctor. If you choose to self treat rather than go the medical route, well that is up to you, you have the right to make that decision. At least you know what you are “treating”.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Happy 2014! and tips for DIY Health!

Hi and Happy New Year.  I hope it's full of good things for you!

This year I'm going to focus on a series of tips for DIY ers,  The "Do It Yourself" movement has really gained speed, and a lot of people want to be able to take better care of their health with out a doctor involved.

I can understand and appreciate this. I think it's great! Prevention is the most important thing for DIY health, because if you prevent illness, you never have to diagnose or treat illness. If you prevent chronic disease, you never have to treat chronic disease.

Check back each week for DIY tips.