Tuesday, March 18, 2014

DIY Health- the building blocks of good health

DIY health requires that you maintain your good health as much as possible.  One way to do this is to get enough nutrients. I know, you are growing your own food, all organic. You are making cheese, Yogurt, and pickles. You are eating nothing that has been processed. That still does not guarantee you are getting your nutrients.  Taking high quality whole food supplements is a really good way to maintain your health.  I recommend people take a multivitamin & mineral  supplement, extra C, D, a Trace mineral supplement, co-enzyme Q10,  and probiotics.  Then, if there are other health issues, supplements that are specific to those issues, like joint support supplements for joint pain.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

DIY Health Care Tips- It's really about staying well...

Stress reduction is important because the less stressed you are, the easier it is for your body to stay healthy and another way for you to avoid researching and treating disease.  This is another topic that has been covered over and over.

 Just a couple of tips; you may not be able to control stressful situations, this is life and they occur, however you can control ( with practice) your reaction to them. Just two minutes of deep breathing can reduce your heart rate, lower your blood pressure, increase your lung capacity, increase your immune response and a number of other things. When you are really stressed out and think you don’t have two minutes to breath it’s exactly what you should do.  You do have two minutes, in fact, you need those two minutes of deep breathing to become aware of yourself, to become mindful, so you can handle your stressful situation.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Rest your way to "mindfulness"

 Some of the most important things you can to to maintain your good health ( and thereby avoid having to research and treat conditions) are also some of the most obvious, and most overlooked simple things.  Like getting enough rest.  Many DIY’ers are turning their backs on the 70 hour work week and non-stop business that have characterized the past years.   DIY often means saving money, so you can work less and embrace a lifestyle that is more conscious and healthier.

 Getting enough rest, and enough play time is just as important as working.  Sleep often, and enough. Sleep more in the winter, less in the summer. Sleep regular hours. Make your sleep place a retreat from the world.  Resting is important too. This means that sometimes you relax and unplug and just “laze about”, giving yourself the time to feel what you feel, think what you think and reconnect with your inner self. The popular term now is “mindfulness”, this is how mindfulness comes about.  Make time for play, doing joyful, silly, fun, exciting, relaxing things. You might call this “Hobby time”, and it does effect you in a positive way right to the core of your physiology.