Monday, January 25, 2010

Eating Healthy

Stacy has decided to change the way her family eats. She wants them to learn to eat healthy. She recently loaned me two great books- Living Vegan for Dummies and The Kind Diet by Alicia Silverstone.

I thought both were good, for a beginner, the Dummies book is better. I loved the sections that explain what all those unusual health foods like tofu and Nori are, and how to use them. I actually made vegan sushi over the weekend, it was easy, and the book helped me identify exactly what it was that sushi is wrapped in!

You don't have to be vegan, or even vegetarian to appreciate these books, anyone who is trying to eat healthy, loose weight or reduce their footprint on the planet will find them helpful.

Stacy also just started a blog about her adventures in changing the way her family eats. Here is the link.

Check it out!

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