Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Moving into Winter

We are moving into the winter season with the reduction of daylight, the frosty mornings and the dryness of the heated air we now must use to stay warm. You may have noticed the holiday decorations already popping up in the stores!

Take it all in stride this year by following a few simple suggestions to make the winter easier:

Take your vitamins! Especially important in the winter to keep you healthy and reduce the effects of the lack of sunlight. If you would like specific suggestions for which supplements would be best for you, please ask me.

Stock up on things that help you stay healthy- I make sure I have Thieves Blend, RC, Ginger, Peppermint, Citrus Fresh, and a Rain Drop Therapy kit in the house before winter comes. These Young Living Therapeutic grade oils are worth their weight in gold!

Get your rest. Don't let the holidays run you to the ground. Keep to a normal sleep schedule. Make time for a day off here and there, spend time at home, with those you love.

Keep your appointments for adjustments and massage, don't let the holiday rush stop you from doing the things that really help you stay healthy. Several people have already mentioned concern about holiday expenses and keeping up with their care. Remember what really matters this holiday season- your health!

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