Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Summer Time- A Fine Time For Your Health!

Summer time is here and living in the climate we do, it seems much to short! I find myself trying to spend as much of the day outside as I can.  So do most of my clients-
This time of year, all that activity can take it's toll on our physical health.
I've seen a number of people recently that have pain or discomfort brought on by all these fun outdoor activities! A little to much weed whacking, a afternoon of digging in the garden, overdoing the exercise, a day on the boat bouncing around on waves, a long drive through the wine country, lugging coolers and grills and kids to the family get together,  an evening standing and dancing on the Clinton Square concrete, a vacation that includes hauling luggage, sleeping in a strange bed and hours of sightseeing on foot!
Chiropractic adjustment re balance the body, decrease pain and discomfort and give you more mobility and flexibility.
Want to feel great so you can enjoy the summer more? Chiropractic can help you.

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