Alcohol, with its connections to disease, violence,
and death, is the most underrated drug in the US today. It’s dangerous not only
because of its negative effects on the user, but also for the negative effects
the user then has on his or her community. Domestic violence, auto accidents,
random violence perpetrated by those under the influence—all affect the
community and society as a whole. All this from a drug that is legal.
The dictionary says a drug is: n. 1.a substance
used in medicine. 2. a substance that acts on the nervous system, such as a
narcotic or stimulant, especially one causing addiction. Most people use alcohol to change their state
of mind, just as one would use marijuana or heroin. Alcohol is addictive and
interestingly enough, much more acceptable than those controlled substances. I
suppose because it’s legal. People want to change their state of mind, and
alcohol is our drug of choice for doing so.
If a person drinks to excess on a regular basis, they
are overindulging. If a person’s relationship with alcohol interferes with
work, school, relationships, or a normal lifestyle, they are overindulging. A
drink with a friend once in a while, or to celebrate a special occasion or a
religious observance, is not.
Take a look
at your alcohol consumption habits. This chapter is not meant to address the
habits of alcoholics. Only professional counseling by someone skilled in the dynamics
of alcoholism can do that. Remember, it’s now generally recognized that
alcoholism is a disease. If you have a serious alcohol habit, you need serious
help. Check your phone book for information on alcoholism and treatment
Some medical authorities encourage healthy people to
have a glass of wine with a meal once a day for even greater health benefits. I
have often told patients that an evening out dancing and having a drink can be
good for their health. Alcohol used in this manner may be healthy, but beware
if you take any medications at all, if you are carbohydrate sensitive, if you
are on a diet, or diabetic you will want to eliminate alcohol all together.
If you have a family history of alcoholism it’s
probably wise to eliminate alcohol from your life. Maybe you have religious
reasons to forego all alcohol. If you occasionally have a drink and would like
to eliminate all alcohol from your life, keep reading, the rest of this chapter
may be of assistance.
Alcohol affects the human body in many ways; when
abused over time, it can cause serious health problems, and no wonder: a diet
high in alcohol is high in carbohydrates and low in nutritional value. Even
light drinkers are depriving their bodies of water and adding unnecessary
calories when they satisfy the thirst mechanism with an alcoholic beverage. Each time you drink
alcohol, you hand your body more toxins to process and put more stress on your
system. If you drink to reduce stress, that pretty much defeats your purpose.
Here are some
ideas to help keep you alcohol consumption to a minimum. If you’re thirsty and
crave a carbonated beverage, try some sparkling water. If you use a drink as a
way to unwind at the end of the day, try some herbal tea instead. You can still
take that break from the day and sit and enjoy your drink—it’s just not
alcohol. The “If you don’t buy it you can’t use it” rule applies here. If you
want to cut down on your alcohol intake, don’t keep alcohol in the house. If
you find yourself drinking in social situations and want to eliminate that
drink as well, you can order a “virgin cocktail”—one without alcohol.
If you do purchase alcohol, don’t get the economy-size
package. Rather than a case, buy a bottle of wine or a six-pack of beer. There
probably is no good reason to have a full bar in your home. How often do you
need it, and how often does it tempt you? If it tempts you more often than you
use it for valid entertaining purposes, close it down.
Limit your day-to-day intake of alcohol. Then, when
the occasion to celebrate with a drink arrives, you’ll be able to have one
without doing too much damage to your body or your health.
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