Tuesday, March 11, 2014

DIY Health Care Tips- It's really about staying well...

Stress reduction is important because the less stressed you are, the easier it is for your body to stay healthy and another way for you to avoid researching and treating disease.  This is another topic that has been covered over and over.

 Just a couple of tips; you may not be able to control stressful situations, this is life and they occur, however you can control ( with practice) your reaction to them. Just two minutes of deep breathing can reduce your heart rate, lower your blood pressure, increase your lung capacity, increase your immune response and a number of other things. When you are really stressed out and think you don’t have two minutes to breath it’s exactly what you should do.  You do have two minutes, in fact, you need those two minutes of deep breathing to become aware of yourself, to become mindful, so you can handle your stressful situation.

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