Monday, April 28, 2014

DIY Health starts with what you eat!

Eat organic foods. Do not eat GMO’s, which have been banned in many of the countries of the world. If you are not up to date on the studies, you can search GMO and Health problems and come up with a whole bunch of scary stuff.  Why take the risk of eating something that is man made when nature provides all you need? Just for fun, go to – a soon to be released film.  It’s science fiction, but it’s not. Check out the trailer.
Shop local when ever possible and plan your meals around the organic produce available in your store. If the price is a little higher, just think of the cost of being chronically sick when you are older. Think of the cost of unhealthy foods affecting your child's body.  Paying a little more is worth it to be able to provide safe,  healthy foods for your family.

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